Thursday, May 28, 2009

Drummer and Painter/Baterist dhe bojaxhi

Gigi Biolcati, a drummer who has been to Shkodra Jazz fests every year, is a painter three weeks of a month, while the fourth, goes to play jazz all over Europe.

“Germans are the best listeners of jazz,” says Biolcati, he says about the latter aspect. Of the first, he says he had learned painting buildings from his father, and enjoys it.

When he is asked what kind of music does he play, he says he plays jazz, and the others retort, “You play cold jazz, or hot jazz?”

Cold jazz can, apparently be the intellectualized jazz made from the last quarter of last century to this one, while the ‘hot jazz’ carries the familiar rhythms of be-bop and the standards, one can guess.


Gigi Biolcati, nje perkusionist qe ka qene ne Shkodra Jazz cdo vit, eshte bojaxhi tre jave te muajit, dhe javen e katert shkon per te luajtur ne te gjitha skenat e Evropes.

“Gjermanet jane publiku me i mire,” thote. Ndersa zanatin e bojaxhiut e ka mesuar nga i ati, dhe i pelqen.

Kur e pyesin c’muzike luan, thote se luan xhaz, dhe pastaj i thone, “xhaz te ftohte, apo te nxehte?”

Ne fakt xhaz i ftohte mund te quhet ai qe u luajt cerekun e dyte te shekullit te njezete e deri tani, me intelektual dhe i ndikuar nga kompozicioni kontemporan, ndersa mund te mendohet qe ‘hot jazz’ duhet te kete ritmet familiare te be-bopit, dhe te standarteve jazz.

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